Actually me and YinFong took about 800+ pics from Vegas.. so I'll just pick up a few first..will upload more when I'm free. Today is my first lecture in UCLA. First half was interesting, second half nearly doze off liao.. but my lecturer is damn funny. I love the fact that he is very casual, berms and hawaian shirt!! I wish NUS have more lecturer like him.
UCLA is a very very very pretty campus, with beautiful landscape and buildings, just like what I saw in most movies (ie Harry potter). Will upload more pics on UCLA once I got the pics from Yinfong. The environment here is very relaxing, and the weather is soothing during the day. You can just lay on the green grass and see hunky guys playing foodball (rugby)..hehe. The only downside of UCLA is there is no shuttle bus to my lecture hall..which means that I have to walk about 15 mins to class everyday..but I don't mind cuz the weather here is nice and the surrounding is beautiful..
I love the food they serve at Reiber Hall!! OMG we got a salad bar, free flow of cafe latte/mocha/coffee, all kinds of cereals, all kinds of pizzas, hotdogs, pancakes, burgers, cheesecake, brownie, free flow of ice cream!!!, more cakes, cookies, various fruits, mexican food, italian food, soups, breads, muffins, etc etc..all u can eat buffet style baby!
My room is quite comfy, share with 2 gals one from Denmark the other from Egypt. Friendly people. =) Next door is a grp of Singaporean. And almost half of the students in my hall is from South Korea..Anhyong!
The Venetian
Random pics of Vegas + Intro to UCLA
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Bye Bye Vegas
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Just arrived at Walnut a couple hours ago..on the journey back to LA from Vegas, I bid goodbye to the beautiful desert and the beautiful sunset..
Little Las Vegas in Nevada is like a melting pot of gold (and cash)..was totally mesmerized by the each of the casino's architecture and theme. Visited the Mandalay Bay, Luxor (Egyptian style), Excalibur (fairytale castle syle), MGM Grand (the famous white lion!!), NewYorkNewYork, CocaCola LV, M&Mfactory LV, Bellagio (OMG, i LOVE the musical fountain), Ceasar Palace (Celine Dion's home concert), Paris hotel, Freemont (rooftop laser show) and the best place is of cuz..Premium factory outlet!!! Cheap branded goods!
The jackpot machine, the buffet with japanese, mexican, italian, chinese cusine, the cocktail, the musical play, the heat of Nevada desert, the James Bond movie dam, the famous man-made lake, the Vietnamese food, the American cinema, the humongous burger...all I can said, "BEEN THERE DONE THAT!"
Therefore, as a conclusion, I am officially broke now =( Will have to feed on bread for the rest of the week..
Viva Las Vegas
Thursday, June 21, 2007
After 18 hours of flight, I finally had time to online to post something here..we were all super excited after touching down at LAX..the weather was nice and cool..After staying one night at Aunt Lai's house, me and Yinfong proceed to Las Vegas the next morning.
We spent the whole day touring Las Vegas town and Arizona, the weather is super duper hot.. totally roasted!! Will post up some really nice pics on Lake Mead, Hoover Dam and the absoulutely stunning Vegas strip and blvd, live shows.....lots of lights and sound and casino! (thks to the effort of Yinfong's sis) And the Bigshot was crazy, I was up in the air for less than 5 secs and when I opened my eyes, the whole town LV town was right in front of me! Was screaming and screaming...
Tomorrow will be another long day for us..cuz we plan to visit each and every casino on the strip!! till then..
I wanna make a memory
Sunday, June 17, 2007
So I have finally meet most of my old friends today at the same old hang out place..and talked bout all those flashback memories we had back in secondary school. Crap about our teachers and funny moments (the ponteng class thing, rotan, etc), I really miss secondary sch days in kt. So many happy and some not-so-happy memories...
I was initially an alien to the pei hwa students when i transferred from convent. I was the "banana" girl cuz i'm not from a chinese ed sch. So, imagine how I felt at 13 years old, feeling really out of place and the yearning for my new friends acceptance. Some people hate me, some people like me. Some people just think I am weird cuz I dunno how to read/write chinese. I remember a bimbo Ah Lian try to hit me with a broom cuz I report her to the discipline teacher. What a *&%$@! Grrrr....I don't give a damn about the haters.
But I was lucky meet some really really good friends that accepted me, that help me to be who I am today. That really taught me to MUG like a pro. That taught me how to to have fun and work hard at the same time. That taught me how to help and support each other during exams.(mug in Ruiyin's house for chem..whoa!!) The best yellow bananas!!!Haha
New haircut
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Finally went back to KT..And i have been eating non-stop..:( Well, to make up for the improper meals that I have had for the past 1 month or so in Singapore. Home-cooked meals are the best!!!
Went to visit my grandma today and she looked so much healthier and energetic. Happy =) Hope she remains that way, healthy and happy, and not to have to another breakdown.
I must be nuts. I cut off my long hair (carry the long hair image for the past 7 years liao~). On why i make such a decision, well I had no idea. Perhaps to let go of something from the past, and perhaps summer in LA is gonna be real hot ba... I sat on the hairdresser chair, silently comforting myself that this is gonna be okay and i'll look great in short hair..after the major snippet and a bit of hair wax, i put on my glasses and looked into the mirror............."ermm hmmm cute". Haha i looked like a 17 year old girl now! Fatz sis said i look great. teehee =)
Bonbon o chocolatier + gross food + work
Sunday, June 3, 2007
I ate the Chocolat Factory chocolates until my tooth couldn't take it anymore.. it is ssooo good that finished almost 70% of the bouquet erm which is a gift from someone special la (missing you heh)....The enormous chocolates chucks are made up of white chocs with lemon, milk chocs with almonds and dark chocs with hazelnuts!! YUM~~the wrapping is really pretty and neat..just like a bouquet of flower. I should have taken a photo of it before I gobble everything up..oh man i am such a yao gui..>.<
Dinner today taste like the beach. Salty and with generous amount of sands. Seriously, the chinese food stall in PGP is a bad choice. It is when you do not have a choice only you choose to buy your food there.. chewed a mouthful of sands (perhaps dirt?) in the bayam (dunno wat in english) with cold meat and super salty potatoes..quality and quantity of food went down during vacation huh?? The MPN value (count for microbes in food) must have exceed the danger level...1 more year in PGP. That's it. Enuff.
Work is getting pretty mundane as time goes by..anyway another week to go before I say "sayonara" to my colleagues (Tina, Fidah, Cute Chocho, Theresa, Limin, Serene, Ayu, and both Padma & Nurul who had left earlier). Well, it has been an eye opening experience for me in the sales line, both the good and the bad. I guess the most important mindset one must have in the working world is 'tolerance' well unless if you are the boss or your father is the boss..
I am going to meet the people I miss the most soon. Time. Pls pass by quickly. =) tick tock tick tock tick tock