Moshi moshi

Saturday, December 1, 2007

First of all, bad news. Lilly emailed and rejected my internship application. Well, try my luck in some other companies ba... Eee nvm, my sis will be working, she can then "support" her sis here a bit.. ngekngekngek...=)

Today whole day no mood to study at all .GAARRRHHH. Call back home and pokpekpokpekpokpek with Mummy for 20 minutes again.. Maybe its becuz the weather is so damn nice-breezy..I suddenly told Liren- "Let's go out. Go somewhere. I feel like I'm in a prison now." And we went to Holland V for sushi. And look at some cute dogs in the VetClinic. We saw a WHITE golden retriever...Damn chio~~

Korean recording firms rejected her for more 10 times, maybe not cute and sexy enough like Boa..She then self taught herself Japanese and flew to Japan for an audition at 16. And she got the contract. The rest is history. Wow. I think she's one hell of a talented young singer around. And she actually introduces the genre called "Piano Rock", she's also dubbed as Asian Avril Lavigne..heh And now KOREANS want her back-Younha (Secret No.486). Haha. So ironic.

1 notes:

foodislove said...

yep yep younha! i like her a lot :)
she went to star king before... just like the philipino girl charice pempengco... the one who sang "i'm telling u im not going".

and wuttttttttt???? i was hoping u will get the job and gimme some $$$ to spend... but now it's the other waY rounD? sob sob sob................