Everybody loves kungfu fighting

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

I am halfway through my Drugs & Society webcast when I had this urge to type something in my blog. Either the Italian lecturer is too mundane or I just don't get her Italian slang or I am just being a procrastinator. As always. Gee Drugs is like so much similar to Pharmacology..say what about to kill two modules with one stone?? -___-"

By the way, it's kind of embarrassing to say this, but I seriously enjoy my Infectious Diseases lecture today. And last week one as well. We had this visiting young good-looking Prof from DSO dealing with bioterrorism..duh..as if any terrorist wanna put anthrax spores into all the MPs envelope haha..Kind of remind me of UCLA! So many memories there; in bioterrorism class with no air-con or fan but we still enjoy the cool summer breeze, Liren and Felix dozing off on their chairs, YinFong munching on her pack sandwich, Phoebe busy copying, etc etc..

Well in lec today, we didn't cover on bioterrorism but more on virology. And virology is not all about lab/pateints/doctors. It's pretty much related to social issues like poverty in developing countries where the number of cases such as HIV increases (it will never decrease until we get a vaccine out) each year. He discuss a lot more on how political agenda in the 1st world can affect these 3rd world countries, how the rich gets richer and the poorer get poorer, the cost of antiviral drugs etc..at the end of the lecture, he showed a simple picture of graveyard with 2 little children crying, hugging each other. They are known as AIDS orphan. And this has already reinforce my resolution.

Biotech lab was partly fun today. We injected plasmids with GFP reporter gene into those cute tiny witty Zebra fish. It doesn't look like it has zebra strips on it..not the black and white, but grey-blue horizontal strips. I nearly freak out when my fish started jumping around at the point of injection. Poor fishy. Not enough sedation. Hope we can see the colours coming out nicely ba..

This is gonna be a kick-ass movie!! HiaKK! Feed my chocho on the right tab! Or she'll gonna hiak hiak you also!! hehe

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