Monday, March 3, 2008

painted my toenails red today. oh boy they looked so cacat. like little fat cheeries. going sour. =( it's better off without the red. gah, i'm laaayyzeey to wipe them off. fat cherries let them be.

progress quite slow on infectious diseases..too many distraction lately. or procrastination perhaps? ha. like how i gleefully paint my toe nails. or blogging when i'm supposed to staardy. sigh. somebody stop me. concentrate!!! i don't understand why nus invited all those guest lecturer from nuh/ah with no teaching experience to teach an lsm level 3000 core module like infectious? half of the time they talked in medical jargons. hello? how do u spell that xxxkkk disease? in case they forgot, we're not doctors. where's the "real" profs who's suppose to TEACH us? those lazy bums. well, maybe they are more concerned of their "prestigious" lab work than us. in case they forgot, we are paying them. they don't teach us furr nothing. =( sod. lecturers. bleah. good ones are rare indeed.

and tomorrow will come. and i will see bee again. and bee will knockie on my door and wake me up. and hugs hugs and muaks muaks. and i will be little miss sunshine again.

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