moi sis had sweet sweet fantasy in her blog, thought i should upload a dreamlover here. lina jie used to blast her songs many many years ago...dream lover some rescue me!
Bitter.... kaaar pui!
Friday, May 30, 2008
the release of my un-meaningful examination results, well not so good not so bad always the mediocre. praise the lord or god or whoever that heard my prayers that i did not get a cookie for my infectious diseases. crappy module. and li ren has the cheek to say "oh i did badly for biotech.. i just got a B+". for a moment, i thought he sounded like that daniel. and for a moment, i thought he is demoralizing me because I ALSO work as hard as anybody else. no offense dear, but this is just my very personal sensitive opinion.
i'm not looking forward to the weekend..seriously, so many journals to read and write and read and type and protocol preparation. the the lab part would be better. li li just got me a set of BRAND new pipettes dedicated only to my RNA work. wah boss is very generous..i just order 6 sets of fresh primers hope they all anneal nicely so i can get nice pretty data out by next week!
since most of my very old classmates are back, maybe i should call them up to crap a bit about our boring uni life and exciting future plans..ah my holidays taste like an an expired vanilla ice cream without the cone, cherry and chocs melt....
scribbled by ReG!Na at 1:00 PM 0 notes
Labels: big fat cels, nusuck
Monday, May 26, 2008
just back from pattaya and bangkok! i wish we could have more days for the trip... nvm i will be back soon!! well, pattaya (2 hours journey from bangkok) was very very much like venice beach in california. they have rows of shops and hotels and bars along the pattaya beach road..and the beach span about few km from one end to the other..the sea view is awesome!! and my hotel room actually face the beach so you just can't help to admire the horizon in the morning!! we didn't really shop in the pattaya town cuz the guide said stuff down there were much more expensive than in bangkok.
then we headed back to bangkok city, went to all sorts of "tourist" places ie floating market, elephant show man playing with the croc who looked so bored, pray the 4 face Buddha, and AHEM of cuz shopping! my sis and i nearly bought the whole shop in jajutak, the bugis street version for thailand!! the shirts and dresses there are ridiculously cheap. and i mean CHEAP. i wish i bought more.....mome bought heavy souvenirs for our new home decor, she's a killer when it comes to bargaining, that poor shopkeeper..
and of all places, the tourist guide bought us to siam paragon. wth. as if i can afford to buy anything from there...well, maybe the mng, zara and guess is still my limit, but all those lv, gucci and marc jacobs..OH there's a couple of huge victoria beckham poster ad for marc jacobs. she looked so hmm weird and fake. but i still love her!! hehe
the only thing that surprised me is that the income gap is very very huge in thailand, unlike singapore. i saw a couple of lamborghini and ferrari, high rise condominium and thai women carrying real prada bags all in the midst of slum houses and roadside peddlers. well, the rich get richer the poor get poorer then??
ps: god bless the people in sichuan/beichuan and myanmar..all they need now is the courage and strength to move on.
scribbled by ReG!Na at 11:09 AM 0 notes
Labels: fly baby fly
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
i guess i'm pretty lucky to be in dr.alonso's lab as my colleagues are really helpful...gee..i'm such an average there. even hang hang is stressin me out. he cannot not work less for a day. is me.. him is a struggling procrastinating dreaming student and him a dean list. shit, i wonder why alonso pick us both?? sigh. just pray and pray and pray i don't screw up this time...
sigh. i miss my boy. miss miss miss him. =( i miss my soul mate..the one i can punch and kickbox and pinch his already widen face..the one i can hug like a big teddy....
scribbled by ReG!Na at 6:50 PM 0 notes
Labels: big fat cels
Monday, May 12, 2008
oh my gosh, i'm so so freaking tired today..shifted to my vacation room. small windows. i hate small windows. bloody trolly cost me 10 bucks. gee they-management are so evil.. oh, how i miss my airy old room facing the harbor... that would probably be the best room i've ever get from pgp..
and oh my gosh again, MANCHESTER UNITED won the EPL!!!! woo hoo!! double woo hoo!!! what a good game, although i got distracted into playing ren's new htc touch phone in the middle..wah, i also want the touch organize! and they WILL win the champion league too!
urrghhhh so tired. i'm going sleep and have some weird dreams..been having really weird cartoony dreams lately. 10 more days to fly. =)
scribbled by ReG!Na at 2:08 AM 0 notes
Labels: reginaroar
Friday, May 9, 2008
happy holidays for me, and happy mother's day to momo! tee hee! ah well, not actually a holiday for me but, still no more boring crappy lectures for the next 3 months! only lab, mice and bacteria. =) eee i'm such a geek. anyhoo, me and ren went to watch what happend in vegas..ha it's a fun chick movie. how i miss las vegas=) i love cameron diaz ass!! as a female, i'm still like "wow"! yeah she's right when she said she rather do the things she love to do and be happy about it =) well, maybe i will or maybe i will have a job that i hate and earn lots of money from it and with that i can do the things i love to do!! hehe i'm more realistic..
yup i'm back to my home sweet home today. everybody's like going back to their homie today..haiz still lazy to pack my stuff le. it's like the same for every semester, but this time round it would be different. because i may not be back to stay in pgp ever again. yeap, no matter how much i hated this "jail" and this no use studying (nus) place...i had so many so many fond memories here since my year 1. i still remember when the 3 of us (me, jimmy and zhijiang) squeeze in the same car with our heavy luggage and heavy hearts leaving our small little comfort town to singapore...sigh~~
then at first it was only the foursome including lui peng, and suddenly (fatefully i would say) our circle of friends got much bigger and bigger...and bigger..and like we know almost all the malaysians in life sci who stayed in pgp. haha. thanks to msl merdeka night, or else there'll just be us only...=) so i proposed every merdeka in future, we must have a friendship reunion party!!!! heheomg we looked so different now.............
scribbled by ReG!Na at 12:25 PM 0 notes
Labels: besties buddies
Post exam partaaaay!!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Ahhahaahha feels like I have graduated!! anyways, we me jimmy yinfong and yixin) had a wild night yesterday. went for korean food at west coast korean charcoal bbq..very nice, very traditional. we were amazed by the variety of dishes, and esp the hand towel~! it was rolled up like a tiny white sweet, but upon addition of water, ta got the expanded some criss angel work.=)
and we head down to st.james powerstation for some drinks and loud music. my legs are wobbly after all the dancing yeah..but it was fun!
AND i've been kissed by a cute little boy. twice. i think he's french. was sitting at the rooftop pavement of vivo city, a cute little boy was running around the area, well..i smiled at him and said hi. and he came back with a chip for sweet..ah well then he asked his dad whether he could kiss me or not..i was like "-_______-"""' ahh, since he's so cute, no harm right? tee hee.
scribbled by ReG!Na at 2:06 PM 0 notes
Labels: besties buddies, foodilicious
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
one more day...less than 24 hours..i will be yeehaa-ing all the way. this sem is totally brain draining me. wth my friend has left for her backpacking trip to europe...and i'm still studying for pharmaco. when will it be my turn?
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Iron Man is by far the coolest and sexiest superhero i've ever seen (well at least he's made of steel and not wearing an underwear on the outside)!! Ha went to watch it with Ren this afternoon in an impromptu manner..the movie was unexpectedly good..uber sleek and cool..omg i just lurrve the Audi..arrgg the Audi!
anyways i "accidentally" got myself a rubber shoe today. yes the croc rubber shoes. but not the big fat ugly if my leg is not big enough.well, i got the ballerina type..saw people wearing it..and it looks cute. very comfy i would say..good for long walks. =) and the best thing is..i can add little jitbitz on it! =) ngek ngek but my ankle still looks fat in least it's comfy...
Saturday, May 3, 2008
hmm what should i write today? in the midst of "damn pharmacology!" i think i should crap a bit on the exclamation mark ! there. just want it to end asap because i don't "feel" the paper anymore. hmmm i just don't see the relevance of studying how synthetic drugs work in human... well unless if i'm a consumer of the drugs which is "choi" i hope i won't be one of them or if i'm a medical doctor or pharmacist but nope no way, other than that i will not use the "memorize" knowledge in the future. well, to put it crudely, it's actually for the damn grades i'm studying for, which i think is also pointless because i always end up demoralized more than before. anyway those with weaker memory will loose out. which i personally think is unfair. well, isn't life inherently unfair at the beginning?
i guess the the only subject that i can ACTUALLY applied into my lab work is microbiology, biotechnology, experimental mol biology and immunology. damn. now i'm in the wrong concentration..i think. sigh. but morrie said once a road has been taken, don't look back, just do your best because you'll find something good out of it. i hope you are right, morrie.
oh..talking about biotech, i'm very excited that the biotechnology firm i ahem ahem secretly admired for the past 5 years since i saw its cover on Fortune mag will actually set up a processing plant here in singapore..! ah, actually not that secret la, my sis knows about this long long time ago. wow. it's like a dream (my dream) company to work for..well maybe at its HQ in San Frans Bay area, i don't know about singapore because it's just a human recombinant protein processing plant. anyways, i will still give it a try in future!!! how should i explain? well to exaggerate, without its presence i think there will be millions of people with cancer won't be able to see their kids graduate from high school, thousands of children won't live past their adolescent life, even more elderly would not be able to dance to their favorite music and my paternal grandfather would not had passed away 30 years ago because of diabetes. theirs and the world first synthetic human insulin only came out in 1982, too late huh. a lot people thought it was from Eli Lilly, yeah they manufactured it but it was GENENTECH who created and licensed it to Lilly. and also many other pharma firms.
the company is also committed to make their medicines (mostly humanised recombinant protein which is DAMN expensive to develop) available to those who cannot afford it, to put in sum is about US$1billion in free medicine to uninsured patients. wow. the so called big pharma should learnt more from the biotech firm. =) btw, the firm's founder Boyer and Swanson (and Cohen, not the founder) suddenly came up with the idea that plasmid of e.coli can be manipulated and by inserting a human gene into it, you can produce therapeutically efficient protein "drug" in humans. now, that's what i called freaking genius!! really, i admired these people. =)
whoa i think i typed too much. shall stop. ah maybe i'm just too bored.....