Friday, March 13, 2009

today i just read some notes posted by a coursemate in facebook
lamenting how depress it is for a student not having good grades..and
concluded they won't have a "vibrant" lifestyle when they graduate..
well, i don't wanna start on a cat fight in i will spit some of my thoughts here

first of all, grades is important but it depends on what is your career path mah!
use common your sense, if you choose to become a professor or an ASTAR scientist..
of cuz you got to have the first class..well not everyone wants to be a skanky prof btw.
so you have second class, third class or whatever they like to categorise the students.
basically the note implies that you're as good as a sad lil puppy if you can't get good grades
because you won't be employed and therefore cannot enjoy a fruitful lifestyle..
oh hell no, i have friends without honours who is proud and happy at their job as
teachers, sales exec, human resource etc etc..and they are pretty vibrant as i can see!
gaarrhh don't insult my friends hor! btw, the facebook account she's using now
is created by a Harvard college drop out tee hee..way to go.
but she did meantioned about if you got talent then grades doesn't matter..bla bla
wah..i also got talent at painting and clay work ahem ahem..means my grades doesn't matter?
haha funny.

aiya, why so serious? don't ever let the freaking grades control your life, always
take control of your life and in that way, you will see the true meaning of living a life.

ok i wanna share a nice vid to reduce the "fire"..muahaha damn funny 15 million views in you tube!
if you know michael jackson thriller vid, then you'll know this!

1 notes:

foodislove said...

yikes. who is that biatch? rawrrrrr!!!!