Cheap eat..
Sunday, January 31, 2010
I would normally cook during the weekends unless I went back home to savor my mum's dishes.. so this weekend, I have left over loaves of bread going into pre-stale phase and a half-opened can of sweet baked beans with cheese.. And since wasting food is not my option, and I could save for a lunch meal, I decided to whip something out like a sandwich.. but I don't want eggs as I had boil eggs in the morning..
It's so easy with only two option, you just smeared both sides the bread (I prefer thick loaves Gardenia) with salted-butter and fried the bread in a medium heat frying pan. With a cooking spatula, flatten the bread so it'll burnt in the middle and turned crispy on the sides. Next, pour the sweet baked beans into the frying pan, fried with a dash of pepper in medium heat until it becomes goey thick...and viola, kiap your thin crusty bread with the cheesy beans..and it's yummy =)
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Yup, as mentioned in previous post, I do miss Taiwan a lot.. I shall return in 2 yrs time perhaps.. In between, I hope to travel somewhere...
Last week was the death of the ruler of my city state (purposely don't want to use any malay word here)..and apparently, all the non-muslim would have to wear a black band around their arm for the grieving period. I heard from ppl that if you disobey, you
'd kena a slap, literally and saman rm300 based on no confederation rules. For whatever reason, I don't think it is right to slap a person at the first place. Anyway I'm considered a half-singaporean so I don't really care because I'm not (and never will be) a taxpayer for my city state..HAHA
BTW, go check out GLEE, the new hot comedy, musical series from FOX. I'm waiting for the downloads! Bring up the L-oser sign!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010
So from the overly gorgeous tribes and mountains in outskirt of Hualien, we moved on to Taichung and Hsinchu and basically just food and shopping along the way! By the way, we manage to stop over at a lavender farm in Taichung thanks to to a nice cab driver who recommended us there..although it's not the first time I see a lavender, but it is a first time on a lavender farm! Smells good along the way, along with the nice cool weather =)
And then we leave for Taipei, yes for the extravaganza 2010 count down at Taipei City Hall. The crowd is just crazy, and the weather was really cold at first before the concert..we're running around for hot food and coffee..but when we get into the crowds..the body starts to warm up. I totally perspire like melting snowman when Mayday was up on stage!! I could only hear my own scream then. Anyway, the fireworks were amazing, but not that was still a good experience!! First time new year celeb overseas =)

Long before my time
Monday, January 11, 2010
For the longest time, I'm going to do some updates. First of all, it's 2010 no apocalypse yet! Although not a good start for Malaysia with all the church burning and scarring...what an immoral and disgrace to the country. Anyway, in a selfish proclaim, I don't care anymore! Ha.. I would love to type a gadzillions of stuffs here, but it's going to last me till next morning. In a cap, the new semester have begun! yee ha, gotta take some interesting modules and my first job as a teaching assistant for a module. It's going to be a busy year!
I just came back from Taiwan, and what a wonderful place I must say...the weather, the people, the beauty, the food, and the clothes! I guess we're truly blessed along the journey from Taipei to wherever we went =) The weather is kind to us, it only rain when we left..and along the way we met many kind hearted souls, whom enriched our experiences and memories. =) We took the risk of crossing the Hehuan trench from Hualien to Nantou, hoping to encounter the so-called rare snow..well, we did! It was super cool, literally, and gorgeous whites just filled the mountain sides and pine trees.
(insert snowman pic)
Indigenous tribes in Taiwan are precious group of identities, resembling that of Malaysia's Iban, Dusun, Kadazan..and often it's exciting to actually study them. One of the tribes that we've learnt during our stay in Hualien is the Taroko tribe...anyway you can google em if interested! =)
To be continued..
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