Yup, as mentioned in previous post, I do miss Taiwan a lot.. I shall return in 2 yrs time perhaps.. In between, I hope to travel somewhere...
Last week was the death of the ruler of my city state (purposely don't want to use any malay word here)..and apparently, all the non-muslim would have to wear a black band around their arm for the grieving period. I heard from ppl that if you disobey, you
'd kena a slap, literally and saman rm300 based on no confederation rules. For whatever reason, I don't think it is right to slap a person at the first place. Anyway I'm considered a half-singaporean so I don't really care because I'm not (and never will be) a taxpayer for my city state..HAHA
BTW, go check out GLEE, the new hot comedy, musical series from FOX. I'm waiting for the downloads! Bring up the L-oser sign!

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