I have been procrastinating since yesterday after pharmaco paper. Relax the neurone cells a bit. Been doin some youtubing (checkin out Leona Lewis new vids/past vids-I think she's damn hot la! A bit like younger Beyonce), some scrolling on dresses-cocktail dress, so addicted to it now! AHAHHA and I totally GLORIFY REEM ACRA's collection. She sort of read my mind- her design was everything I had in my mind for a beautiful gown..Unfortunately a piece will cost as much as my one year school fee, maybe even more...kakakaka, and you'll have to fly to NY to get it..Well, it's not a crime to LOOK and GASP at beautiful dresses, rite? Her wedding gowns are simply to-die-for..damn chio~
And some oooing and ahhhing at nice bags-I AM A BAGOHOLIC tee hee, everytime I achieve something I would reward myself with bagssss. I don't spent much on clothes though..I totally dig aunt Lai's philosophy. A bag as a reward for her hard year work. She would actually fly to Milan to get the Prada or Paris to snag the LV. Wahaha well, I still not up to that level. Yet. Soon. Gee maybe in 15 years time? =)
Woke up at 10.30am this morning, it's bcuz someone kept banging at my door..duh, saw two fat uncles, one malay guy and the malay lady security guard.. "Sorry ah, we want to change your curtains" =_=" OK so they changed my lovely light peach curtains to some shitty tofee coloured ones with vertical bands..damn it. But its thinner, therefore wind can flow in easily and since its darker cuz it's a shit colour, my room is sort of like a dark cocoon now with a bit of illuminated sunlight..its comfy, i would say-make me wanna lie on my bed even more!, but why can't they choose maroon or dark navy blue instead???
I told zee uncle, "Bu mei leh uncle..zo mo yau huan? ni yao na qu xi ah? =(" Uncle said "Zei ge qiu de tempolaly fang zai ni de fang qian, xian zai wo men yao hui. Eh zei ge xing chuang lian ke yi fang huo de leh!!" I was like O.O""
my hanyu pinyin suck i knoe..
So tempted to try the new curtain with a lighter............................
Of drapes and flocks
Thursday, November 29, 2007
One down
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Two more to go!! Today marked the end of pharmacology...well..dunno leh, I THINK I DID OK only..somewhere in between good and ok ba, manage to spit almost everything out from the notes...SIGH =S no more drugs, mech of action, side effects to memorise!!Brain nearly cannot take it anymore...Well, at least not until next sem O.O
Now need to buck up for Human Physio and Immunology. *GULP* Jia you. 6 Dec faster come! So that I can go back to my sweet sweet home. It has been raining heavily outside for the past 2 hours. Making me feel very drowsy now.....yawn...
Saturday, November 24, 2007
SIGH. Damn tired. Tonight must sleep early. Cannot pia to 3-4am anymore, end up waking with a headache.. =( I must try to squeeze every single little pharmacology bits into my brain.. Immuno even worse. I am now really worried for Immuno..with CFT, it's not goin to be an easy one. Grrr.. Must JIA YOU! Suddenly miss home, miss mummy's cooking..miss my bed..Hope this Dec won't flood again, wah lao the other day heavy rain, and water kept rising nearly enter tha house..! Well, anyway there's nothing much in the living room already cuz basically all the furnitures/electrical appliances were shifted upstairs.. Eee that's why my room is damn crampy now. =( But no more worries. Cuz we are shifting next year! Yay. New house almost ready. And the good thing is that the area is 100% flood-free. =)
Holidays coming soon..Wonder if I get the job with Lily?? Hmm, still waiting. Hope they'll call ba. *fingers crossed* Need to earn some $$ leh...
Mugger @ work
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Mug mug mug. All the way! Gotta complete my final respiratory essay by this FRIDAY 12 a.m.!! Gambatte! Hiak hiak! Then is drugs drugs and more drugs =S to memorise. I need all the brain power I can have for the finals.
Brands chicken essence - Check
Vitamin ABCDEK - Check =_="
Omega 3 Oil - Check
Barley beans + winter melon strips - Check
Nescafe - Check
HL milk - Check
And also all the LUCK I can have. And to all of my buddies.. JIA YOU and all the best!! =) Quote from chillicraps "May the F=ma be with you"
So I went for an internship interview with Eli Lilly-NUS today. Outcome? Positive. Waiting for their good news. =)
Sunday, November 11, 2007
break at home passed very quickly , a snap of fingers I'm back on the familiar MRT station, on the familiar 183 bus, and seeing a very familiar big head...and THAT is the only thing that makes my return a happy joyful one!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007
I am so so seriously relieved right now~~~~PHEW! IT"S FINALLY OVER! Hahaahahahah. =) Officially say buh-bye to Understanding the Universe..! Nonetheless, it's an interesting module (I particularly enjoy the last 6 lectures on galaxy's evolution, black holes, dark matter..) Gee, I'm such a nerd, but anyways it's amazing that we are living in a tiny mini speck of the universe.. beware there's something else more spectacular than us out there!! Sometimes I really wonder if the other 99 billion galaxies in the whole wide universe has any form of intelligent living creatures like us?? Hmm highly possible..! Maybe in some weird octopus, robotic, dinosaurs-like, ice-age perhaps..I'm too much. haha. Term paper also more or less gau tim *Daniel is ssoo highly efficient!* so, now waiting for me to stretch my fingers for editing. =) Hehe recently found out that I no need to go all the way to Munchie for my craving....in fact it is located less than 200 meters away from my room... BLOOIES Choc Brownieeeee with Vanilla Ice Ice Baby Cream!! O.O" XOXO~~
<----Big fat scoop of ice cream and warm brownie..I am getting all fuzzy inside now....*melts*
PS: I was squinting my eyes when I watched this video. http://www.glumbert.com/media/dolphin Warning: Some gruesome part.. I really cannot tahan the bloody Japanese for such cruelty!! SHAME ON THE JAP GOV for not doing anything! Grrrrr....How can they do this to the dolphins!! Who the heck in the right mind would wanna dine on dolphins meat?? Dolphins is the most most most lovely and smart living creature I've ever seen in my life! Well, I hope things will get better when I came upon this site=>http://www.savejapandolphins.org/paddleOut.html. *they are not Japanese btw..*