I am so so seriously relieved right now~~~~PHEW! IT"S FINALLY OVER! Hahaahahahah. =) Officially say buh-bye to Understanding the Universe..! Nonetheless, it's an interesting module (I particularly enjoy the last 6 lectures on galaxy's evolution, black holes, dark matter..) Gee, I'm such a nerd, but anyways it's amazing that we are living in a tiny mini speck of the universe.. beware there's something else more spectacular than us out there!! Sometimes I really wonder if the other 99 billion galaxies in the whole wide universe has any form of intelligent living creatures like us?? Hmm highly possible..! Maybe in some weird octopus, robotic, dinosaurs-like, ice-age perhaps..I'm too much. haha. Term paper also more or less gau tim *Daniel is ssoo highly efficient!* so, now waiting for me to stretch my fingers for editing. =) Hehe recently found out that I no need to go all the way to Munchie for my craving....in fact it is located less than 200 meters away from my room... BLOOIES Choc Brownieeeee with Vanilla Ice Ice Baby Cream!! O.O" XOXO~~
<----Big fat scoop of ice cream and warm brownie..I am getting all fuzzy inside now....*melts*
PS: I was squinting my eyes when I watched this video. http://www.glumbert.com/media/dolphin Warning: Some gruesome part.. I really cannot tahan the bloody Japanese for such cruelty!! SHAME ON THE JAP GOV for not doing anything! Grrrrr....How can they do this to the dolphins!! Who the heck in the right mind would wanna dine on dolphins meat?? Dolphins is the most most most lovely and smart living creature I've ever seen in my life! Well, I hope things will get better when I came upon this site=>http://www.savejapandolphins.org/paddleOut.html. *they are not Japanese btw..*
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