Mugger @ work

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Mug mug mug. All the way! Gotta complete my final respiratory essay by this FRIDAY 12 a.m.!! Gambatte! Hiak hiak! Then is drugs drugs and more drugs =S to memorise. I need all the brain power I can have for the finals.

Brands chicken essence - Check
Vitamin ABCDEK - Check =_="
Omega 3 Oil - Check
Barley beans + winter melon strips - Check
Nescafe - Check
HL milk - Check
And also all the LUCK I can have. And to all of my buddies.. JIA YOU and all the best!! =) Quote from chillicraps "May the F=ma be with you"

So I went for an internship interview with Eli Lilly-NUS today. Outcome? Positive. Waiting for their good news. =)

1 notes:

foodislove said...

you $$$$$$ ren.....

muz gimme pocket $$$.