to have the ride of my life. again. this is probably the most qi kek thing i've ever done in my life. the ride was short. but the feeling last for a lifetime. he screamed "i love you" at me during the ride....oh how i miss it..
eh..i'm supposed to be studying now? no. =P
I want
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
The pursuit of stress
Monday, April 28, 2008
it really breaks your heart when you put so much so much of effort in something, you still fail. fail to the point that you feel like whatever you did and your effort seems so...meaningless now. and especially when a single piece of paper could potentially pull down the years of hard work. i just want to leave this place asap.
anyway, my life is determine by me. not u you stupid mt. for the first time, i don't wan't to care anymore. i'm throwing all the notes into the recycle bin downstair. goodbye.
anyway an interesting exchange student sat beside me in lab for the paper..i heard him snorted and laugh at the "which part of the body do you think the symptoms of n.gonorrhea (an std) will occur in heterosexual males?" i'm am pretty sure he wrote something like "your dXXX" to mt. and i think he drew something also. wth. and he laugh again. then he left one hour earlier. man, how i wish i could s/u and xiao zhang like him....
Sunday, April 27, 2008
damn stupid. laptop kena spywareee..ah, but found a solution for it with the help of some online geeks, will remove it immediately after exams. =)
woke up with a pretty pretty sunday morning. with the cool breeze coming in from the windows, the sound of water fountain below, and the nice harbour view from my's time to mug all the way!! infectious..too much, but nonetheless i did learnt a lot..a lot from it. sigh, i guess the module would be more fun if we were asked to do assignment/case studies presentation instead of memorizing how did H5N1 took place...
Saturday, April 26, 2008
one down. =) four more to go. wah my right fingers felt so numb after the biotech paper. too much of pressure on it, thank god for my 5566 ball pen! buatan malaysia. hehe. ah ~~ forget biotech, dun wanna care about it since i throw all the notes into the junk box just now. bye bye.
the weather is so damn hot today. and really don't feel like studying for id and drugs. sianz. its goin to be over soon...=)
momo said we probably gonna move in to our new home on 8/8/08. hhmm asked her why..then she said "beijing olympics opening on that day it must be auspicious!" -____-"" that's my mum. i roughly got the idea how my new room goin to looked like. can't wait to decorate it... although i'm not staying in that room "permanently" but it is still going to be my room. =) it's going to have a lot of love in it, with colour photos, black white photos and all my tour souvenirs and ty bears.
manchester united vs chealsea. tonight. goin to watch it. while studying of cuz. thnk god for sopcast. i love china satellite =)
i just wanna eat and sleep and get fat
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
this is darn boring sia.
i still haven't touch my drugs. and iD is killin me brain softly.
holidays faster come so i can start laying my hands on how to do knockout mutants. and learn how to slay a mice puurrfectly. sorry PETA, is for goodsake. i'm such a geek. no, if alonso didn't request me to help out with the mutants, i would have start planning what to wear to redang. anyways, no redang for me wif the gers. =( =(
BUT shopping and eating in bangkok is coming soon. again. so i just can't wait. so there's still something to look forward this hols. and not to mention ipoh. yay, zee glamorous ipoh food is also waiting... ..
aarrghhhgghhhggdghhhhhhhharghh. there.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
I listen to her play
Thursday, April 17, 2008
when i'm bored studying..heh seriously i think she got a wicked skill for the piano!! now i regret didn't learn how to play the instrument when i was young..was such a tomboy back then. hehe gonna download all of her clips from youtube into my mp3 thanks to my sis secret method~~ happy mugging.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
great. so many to study in so little time. and so many to put inside my head. i hate the contents. x__x. i am practically in the bad mood zone today, well there's nothing to be happy about at anything at this point of time. except that i did laugh a bit at Robin Williams Russian impersonation in Idol gives back. and now i think my bf is unhappy with me because i told him i need to set up my own zone of study. which means no trespassing. no kacau-ing. no talking. sorry bee. =( you will understand right?
all we need is radio ga ga radio goo goo
Friday, April 11, 2008
wached the AI results show on you tube today. what the fig. michael john was eliminated. =( so disappointed and angry. damn all those guys who voted for kristy. she is such a.........#
ah anyway, we went to we will rock you musical, it was an amazing performance as stated by the critics. very entertaining, very on pitch, very handsome, and very funny. haha. nice. i enjoyed the show, nevertheless..although i'm not a big fan of queen but i grow up listening to their most of them are very familiar. they started off with "radio ga ga" then end it with "we will rock you" as first i was disappointed they didn't perform bohemian, but suddenly the screen flashes "so do you want bohemian rhapsody? oh all right then.." haha we were all screaming like mad. that was like the cherry on the cake. yummy. and oh boy, the band members are so so so so hot! remind me of mike shinoda..tee hee. yup i have to admit the music these days are more digitalized and diluted. lack of inspiration. lack of feel. just compare what mariah carey sings today with 10 years ago. so sad.
anyway, to top another cheery on the cake, we managed to take a picture with the main cast Mig Ayesa+) heh heh. they has this sweden bazaar at sci. went to have a look with the ID guys after we escape from the horrigible lecture. whao. they had many nice scenery pictures. what a beautiful country..~~ mark was trying out some weird biscuits with raw fish and mustard. he said it was good, so we go and gobble a it was good. i never tasted anything like this before! weird but nice. hehe. the meat balls are ok. oh the swedes biscuits were nice..a bit of gingery taste. yum. i like the cute little play horse they had for display. =)
Usaha tangga kejayaan
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
yup. the best thing i've learnt from pendidikan moral. it's all what i need now. usaha bersungguh-sugguh. =) i feel that i lack of usaha these few years. used to be damn pia in stpm. study all the way in school tuition and then piles of homework. i will have at least 3 buku rujukan and at least 3 buku kerja for each subject. and endless of notes+latihan from boopathy and mr/mrs lim. =S the only time i watched tv is during my dinner break. man. looking back, i am really a slob now. tee hee. slacking in uni huh? too bad i choose the wrong uni to slack...regret? no not really. i did work my ass off here. but without any return of satisfaction. it is just that something is missing. motivation.
in form 6, my motivation was to be a doctor. as simple as that. to be a freakin doctor. i work it off. big dreams huh? i didn't get the medicine course in UM/UKM i remember crying my eyes off that night..and then NUS, here i come. so it is just a B.Sc. and so i don't feel like there is a need to work hard for a B.Sc. (great, that's why i end up with a mediocre results). i was so so certainly needs every inch of hard work and perseverance. and today i am thankful that i chose to do a life sci degree in nus. i realized how my bigger dreams begin to shape here. as a prof put it in a crude way "Doctors are CRAP without the microbiologist for lab diagnostics, research scientist for drugs development and nurses for proper care!! AND these people truly made a difference" I am so agree with you, prof. =) now i feel motivated. jia you!
Monday, April 7, 2008
don't know why i feel so lethargic so baddie moody today. hmm dehydration? hypothyroidism? pms? duh. maybe not enough endorphine. i shall eat more chocolates then. and do more workout. if my lazy bum permits me to do so.
went to cels today for some routine work. li rui was there to guide. wah she's really pretty in person! a bit like fan bing bing of the prettiest prc i've ever met. haha. anyway, lab was an ease cuz shen me dou you. whatever reagent or kit is needed, just order from the salesman. alonso's lab is apparently very generous..that's really good, cuz with good kits i can produce good results. =)
ah, tml biotech lab again. last one. finally it's the end. western blot should be piece of ice cream cake. hope we can leave early or else it'll be a 10 to 6 marathon again.
The 101-th post
Thursday, April 3, 2008
this song is dedicated to myself. projects come and go. reports come and go. exams come and go. oh, exams faster go.....
so many nice movies to watch. like 21, vagina dentata (eeeewww), batman, the love guru, etc etc. i wish to have more time. three kingdoms actually not bad. ah well, i don't understand why the chinese must fight among themselves. what i don't like is that they had pin yin on andy lau's voice. so weird.
done with all of my drugs and society webcast. yes! actually it seems like an easy module. hmm maybe i'm comparing it with human pharmacology, which is like comparing a butter cake and a tiramisu..duh-___-" ecommerce project part done. yes! proposal2 50% done. yes! ok now left with molecular biotech lab report. i must finish till results part by this weekend.
one more week to We Will Rock You Musical. Roar...! I am so going to scream so laauudd.
And CONGRATS Ren for snabbing Dr. Freddie Wong. va-so-dee-lee-ta-shion ah? hehee