Saturday, July 5, 2008

4th July~ this may come in a bit late but..still happy ONE freaking year anniversary dahling!!! muaaaahhhhh!! haha i vividly remember the day today one year ago. we were at santa monica pier, having dinner at forrest gump restaurant...and then we walked on the santa monica beach.. wow..and there it was. fireworks for american independence day.. how sweet that sound right? so many good memories i had, i must have been blessed!

thanks for the lovely yummy dinner yesterday=) and the super duper nice things that you've done for me, your great tolerance on me, your support, your protection, your hugs when i need them, and all of your love!! muaaaahhhh~~ai shi te ru ne......

to my fat sis whose going up to kl: go pia and pia..but don't stress urself too much, and don't eat too much ah! i know the mamak there is nice but must keep fit ah! remember, it's the road that you've decided to take, so take 100% responsibility on everything that comes along ok which means since you've chosen this course, so you gotta work very very hard on it, ok?? anything, just give me a phone call and i will try my best to help. we are the ya-ya sisterhood mah...=) enjoy da orientation and ahem ahem don't forget the hansem doctors wannabes....cheers! must call me at least once a week ah!!

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