Ok..so i forgot to bring my camera to the microbe party, and therefore any interesting and creepy pics can be viewed from Facebook via a friend album who tagged my ugly face in it!...Hah.
No Line On the Horizon
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Beautiful Nightmare
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
Oh shit, my blog header is missing!! Now where did it go?? Urggh, looks like i gotta find one to fill the naked header. Yo fat sis, can you help me do it?? heheh
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
ok i'm so so so exhausted today. swollen eyelids. headache. tired muscles. cramps. urggh feel like lying on my bed and practically just lay there for the next 20 hrs...knowing that i can't cuz i have loadsssss on my to-do list! =(
Thursday, September 3, 2009
OK let's blog about my current squeeze..
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
Went to watch The Proposal on Chinese Valentine's Day...duh, I didn't know such day existed until Liren surprised me so with the tics...anyway, loved the movie! As usual, Sandra Bullock rock the socks and Ryan Reynolds is cute but not much of charisma if compare to say Gerard Butler! Initially, I thought Gerard Butler was the male lead haha I got confused with "The Ugly Truth", which I'd be catching soon cuz I simply adore Gerard Butler and I personally think he's the sexiest man alive. Period. Think the Phantom in the Phantom of the Opera movie, King Leonidas in 300 and Gerry Kennedy in PS I love you! Amazing roles....
Monday, August 24, 2009
Finally! Fame is coming out soon and I can't wait! High School Musical, you guys can pack your bags! And Zac Efron I hate you! Hahaha. Well, I'm just so excited about this movie, and I do feel strongly about pursuing passion without hesitation. Btw, the girl looked like a young Jennifer Hudson! Dance your shoes away! Woo~
I gotta feeling
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Today is one of my slackest day eva!!! yee har, as I'm done with my lab presentation and I'm currently waiting for the sheep blood to come in to feed my lil friends in lab. Till then, I'm doing more of my paperwork basically lit review and reading with you tube and facebook in betweens of cuz! Well, the term officially started yesterday and it was not until today that I contentiously watch the newbies around aka first yer students..I suddenly gotta feeling that I'm incredibly old..fashioned! Yes, sad to say I'm only a jeans and t-shirt individual when on campus with makeup-less face of cuz...=( Today is like a forever21 fashion runaway.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
ADOI.......I kinda forget about the existence of this blog! Haahaa..sigh I'm just too plain lazy to update..well unless if I have any announcement to make, like a wedding! Hmm, which I think would not be very soon!
Love is in the air
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Hahaha..Ice Age 3 is utterly ridiculously Jack Black funny..! Apart from the lousy 3D effect... everything about the movie was just as good as nice buttered up popcorn. Yeah, we decided to check out on the Disney 3D hooha, but well, I have to say the characters are not very dimentionally poped out and actually I feel that I'm watching more of a normal 2D screening rather than enjoying the 3D effect. Surprisingly for Disney, I thought they would come up with 3D effects like what I've experiend in Universal Studios..OK never mind, the movie was good and that's all matter. I heart the "love is in the air" moment and the "laughing gas" moment where they emulate Alvin the chipmunks..duh..so funny!Anyway, this weekend is not just another weekend..it's our anniversary!! 2nd year to the count! I made Liren a video last year, this year..well, I didn't plan anything for him as it's inconvinient to give him a surprise with him around the house..and I bet that's an excuse. Haha. Well, is the thought and love that's count. BUT he did cooked some awesome breakfast to surprise me this morning. Thanks big man! =)
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
I bumped into this trailer while browsing for a biography title of Coco Chanel. Honestly, I didn't know that there are making it into a movie starring Audrey Tautou! She looks amazingly like the real Coco Chanel...Anyway, I found my book in Amazon "Chanel and Her World" by Charles-Roux..Ok, I going to get it in one of the bookstores! On why I bother to read on Chanel apart from eying that 2.55 classic, well I guess her life is as intriguing as Anne Frank's, plus her rise from poor to fame, her affairs, her imprisonment, her association with the Nazis, her Chanel empire, her tweed coats, and of cuz her style and attitude that inspired many women in generations to come.
Falling in and out
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Watching Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen has indeed brought back so many many memories~~ of joy. It seems like time passes like a snap in the finger, oh how well I remembered ooh and aaahing at the first movie premier in Santa Monica. And the audiences loved it, we cheered and wolf whistled at end of the show! We seriously gloated on Transformers back then. I still remembered when we're riding along the US freeway, several GMC trucks zoomed passed and all of us are like..! Haha..
But today, watching Fallen in Singapore (Jurong Point to be exact, oh boy the GV there suck, I had to cringe my neck to level my eyes to the screen) has not brought the same feeling I had for the first one. Well, maybe is the environment, maybe is the people I watched with, or maybe is just the movie itself. Watever the maybe is, I still think the first one is still the best cgi action movie, apart from Ironman. Anyway, I personally feel tha Fallen and tha Megatron well..fall too easily, remembered how Megatron crash landed in the Artic and kena stuck there and found by the Grandpa? Damn pai seh..It's like they are nothing more than cheapskate Decepticons made of plastic whereas Opti is the aluminium bodied Mac Book super-pro. Come on, a bit more of action and twist will satisfy the fans more! And where is Optimus Prime girlfriend? She's like out for only 5 sec from the whole movie =( in the pink motobike, and I'm not so sure if that's the original female transformer I remembered from the cartoon..BUT props for the soundtrack, cuz they rock and the S7 g-string! muahaha..
Anyway I have a few highly anticipated movies that I'm looking forward to..
Sherlock Holmes (I love Robert Downey!)
Ironman 2 (Robert Downey again!)
Alice in Wonderland (One of my fav classic of all time! and is starring Johnny Depp!)
I would watch ANY Johnny Depp movie...hhaa....ok I guess the list goes on..and on.
I-ahhhhhhh~ won't worry my life away
Saturday, June 27, 2009
It has been a priceless week for me..I quit my part-time job, spent beautiful time with my parents and sister and the bf, feast on durianss...and basically just chilling out with my loved ones. The lab work begin last week with major experiments coming in along the way. I hope my work will bring meaningful contribution into vaccine development/research for unmet medical needs! And YES that is MY PURPOSE =). Another good news-Liren got his job and PR status in place, and his future grad PI secured, I'm just as proud as a little sunflower for him!
Finally the limited ed EPs and dvd for Mraz latest album is out!! I have to admit, it's really good, and worth for keepsake. I don't know about others, but whenever I'm down, I just listen to his words and I'd feel so much better afterwards! Haha. ..
Live High
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
I think Dreamworks Picture has done a pretty good job in Monsters Vs Aliens..it's one of the many animations that left me deadpans on my seat, apart from the move-it-move-it Madagascar. For once, I'm delighted that a 3D cartoon can crank up some serious jokes! I love B.O.B aka Benzoate Ostylezene Bicarbonate; which is by the way "a genetically-altered tomato was injected with a chemically-altered ranch dessert topping" (i copied this from wikipedia tee hee..). I know I know, those creative writer for MVA has got to be super-weirdos to come up with something like that.. haha! Anyhoo, it's a great pick-me-up mood movie with an absolutely crazy soundtrack! My heart goes to the Mr. President =)
Now, who's in love?
Saturday, June 13, 2009
"truly remarkable engineering achievement" "years of hard work, of innovation, driven by successive attention to every details" "this is particularly evident in the enclosure" "a degree of fit and finish that we've never dream of before" "simple enough" "more beautiful inside than its external"
need i say more? the internal stuffs load faster than you can say "oh my gosh".....now, who wants a Macbook Pro put your hands up?
memememememe! =)
Cheery pie without the cherry
Thursday, June 11, 2009
I don't really like to type in my personal daily routine here in my blog, unless something exciting happend in between my busy life..but here's a preview of something for the mutton sister who kept asking me to update my blog..ok here's a little cherry pie preview.
After 3 weeks of super part time work, I finally quit erm at least till end of this week! Well, I had fun in the EXPO roadshow but definitely not in the outlet, which is darn kns sianz... Plus I can't wait to go home to see papi and momo, with no worries of what to eat for the day! I'm starting my lab soon~ which means I'm back to the student life, but honestly I think it's more of like an RA job except it's not full time and I'm still on my student pass for at least 2 yrs =( I will be 26 then! omg i feel so old already. on why I would want to continue graduate studies...well, it's simply because I feel that my learning curve in research has not reach its peak yet during the fyp period.
There's so many mistakes that I've done in fyp, I'm glad I realised that it's a good learning experience for me. I told my boss I may not be the smartest student around with a B+ in fyp, but I told her I'm willing to use another 2 yrs to learn and discover more of research and myself in research. After all, science is not about making the grade for yourself, is more of making a difference for others. At least, that is what I believe in, thanks to the bf encouragement. >_- Here I come again NUSuck.
Oh s**t I'm late for work. Cheerio.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
This has to be one of the inspiring vid for me, and probably for most of the people out there. How a single individual can make such powerful change in the subtle summer atmosphere, it still puzzles me.. But hey, i guess he does have a lot of guts to swing his ass like that and he doesn't give a damn about it! You go man!
On the spot
Monday, May 18, 2009
Your view on yourself: You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for: You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship: You prefer to get to know a person very well before deciding whether you will commit to the relationship.
The seriousness of your love: Your have very sensible tactics when approaching the opposite sex. In many ways people find your straightforwardness attractive, so you will find yourself with plenty of dates.
Your views on education: Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.
The right job for you: You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.How do you view success: You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.
What are you most afraid of: You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.
Who is your true self: You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.
For better of worse
Friday, May 15, 2009
mutton is coming home tmr as well. i bet marmi is happy as clam now..
sigh..so peaceful right now as i don't have to literally think about
my lectures, tutorials, labs..like they are gone..forever.
went to fit on my academic dress yesterday.
oh boy li ren looks gan funny cuz he's so tall
he has wear the XL ones..which made him looked like an oversized penguin..haha
i know i shouldn't complain..
but when i saw my friends grad robe from uni melbourne and ucla
their rob colour is so nice..why can't nus have it black?
anyways...it doesn't really matter now cuz i'm still going to ENJOY
the ceremony with my family and friends...=)
ps: i'm voting Hugh Jackman as the sexiest man alive!!
rrrahhh he is ssooo hawt!!
when i watched wolverine with the bf and some guy friends..
i looked at em and back to Logan on screen..i shooked my head in despair..
haha. even the guys have to admit that he's hawt...=)
Thursday, May 14, 2009
well, it has been a horrrriigible april for me.
of the four yrs of undergraduate life in nus,
april 09 is the worst month..ever.
moments that gave me nightmares and tears.
and i don't even want to mention about it.
thank god for li ren, for waking me up and
kept reminding me to stay strong and positive
despite the fact that everything seems so bleak and uncertain in the future.
on the last day of thesis submission, i went back to lab
cleared my locker, packed my lab shoes, bid farewell to my lab mates.
i may or may not be back to this lab in the future,
but indeed i have learnt a whole lot of knowledge
and skills from here...and i'm thankful for that.
i bid farewell to pgp, moved into my new home in west coast place
with my new housemates and starting a new life.
yeah, a new chapter.
just came back from a tiring roadtrip to ipoh and penang.
i have been stuffing myself with hor funs and hk dramas
for the past few days..damn duo lo..
Here In My Home by Malaysian Artistes for Unity
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
OH there's a mispoken truth that lies...colors don't bind. =)
Malaysia, my heart will always be with you...no matter how bad the political nature is..as long as there's unity there's still hope.
Monday, March 30, 2009
yikes. =S =S
crafting out a masterpiece is not that simple..i guess it really
takes a lot of guts, sweat, tears and some cells to do it.
you know..don't even know how much gene mutation have i accumulated
in the lab with all the toxic materials and irradiation. sheeh..
but anyways it's gonna end soon...hahaha. so let's hope it's going to be a good one.
at this point of time...i need my retail therapy.
i'm sort of officially broke right now, cuz i've forked out 2 mths of
advance rental for the house that i'm gonna stay in the future..
PAPI i'm waiting for you!! btw..the house is really nice, landed and spacious!
well, although it's not as big as my own house in kt with nice sofas and plama tv...
but it is still big as compared to a hdb house. muahahaha.
and no lifts!! i'm scared of lifts!
esp those with a transparent door where you see in ghost movies
and at you see the person appearing at each level...
creeps me out!!
thank god the owner is super duper kind and generous..
so grateful of em =) we have a good bargain as well! so it's just perfect.
the housing estate...reminds me of kota besar =)
where each house has their own unique design..
but ours was the old fashion type..very 1970s..
still..it's going to be a good start!
back to work! i need to bring back in my form 6 power!!
gaarrghhh..why am i'm so mundane right now??
is it the age?
or is it the deprivation of home-cooked meals?
i'm like a skanky skeleton now. shit.
i want to go home to momo..and be the teen girl again..
ok back to work..=(
Friday, March 20, 2009
journey here..at NUS. yes, the National University of Singapore.
the prestige. the scary. the bitter. the bell-curved university.
i vividly remember my first day in nus open house.
about 4-5 years ago. i came with a group of secondary school mates,
including jimmy. i remember we visited pgp for the first time, cuz
jimmy cousin sis was staying at pgp, and had my first meal
in the pgp aircon canteen. i remember is the un-delicious beef noodle.
little did i know, the place called pgp became my last home in nus...
and in pgp, i definitely have a whole lot of memories..both happy and sad.
i remember meeting a bunch a girls who late became my ji muis..
i remember meeting a tall guy who allowed me to use his room as a vacation storage in yr2,
without paying any rent =)...and he later became the most important person in my life..
i remember celebrations after celebrations, the late night study, the supper, the little talks.
and so much more, that i will and promise to make a collage out of it.
above all the friendships...is the academic. of cuz, this is a uni i'm talking about.
yes, the tremendous academic workloads. the vigourous academic culture.
most of the time..it is always academic-linked..be it a cca or a community service.
initially, i tought well this is the university culture. i have to accept it.
work hard, get the results, and get out, i hate nus mentality crop up
until i went for an exchange...
i sort of re-discover myself. i feel so relaxed, so joyful and for the first time
i feel so peaceful. i would sit by my room window and stare at the beautiful los angeles.
and i know....God is great. the world is not as small as i see it is.
i can be whatever i want to be. if i choose to pursue it.
with kindness, with passion, and with honesty.
and i told myself, as i sat by the window...i'm extremely blessed to be in LA.
and it's all thanks to NUS, faculty of science for their generous sponsor,
or else it'll just be a nice little dream for me. and i'm truly grateful.
i know when i'm back, i'm a student with a different direction.
and no matter how hard the journey is, i'm going for it.
and then there's the one year long thesis. although i didn't get my
first choosen project in malaria,
i did get something un-expected. a supportive supervisor, who later became a good friend.
a bunch of crazy lab mates.. who loves buffet, bowling and k-box.
and i get to work with bsl-2 pathogen. and a bsl-3 in the future.
so i guess, it's quite true when they say when one door closes, another door will open.
it's only the matter of time when you land on the unexpected or the unwanted
and you could probably say this to yourself
"hey this is not that bad at all!" in the end
so life in nus has thought me one thing
the real world is going to be far more unpredictable.
because it's such an oyster out there with so many diff kinds of ppl.
you'll just have to hear, speak, and see no evil.
and it's going to be another transition. i hope nus has given me all the guts!
happy 24 to myself.
me: "-____- big girl? i think i'm old liao. no more girl girl."
papi: "where got old, u still depend on me so not yet old. u only consider old when you're independent, financially..hehe"
me: "........erm yeah, once i graduate deh! i will then be independent lor.."
can i stay young girl girl forever? haha....hmm maybe not!
Friday, March 13, 2009
lamenting how depress it is for a student not having good grades..and
concluded they won't have a "vibrant" lifestyle when they graduate..
well, i don't wanna start on a cat fight in facebook..so i will spit some of my thoughts here
first of all, grades is important but it depends on what is your career path mah!
use common your sense, if you choose to become a professor or an ASTAR scientist..
of cuz you got to have the first class..well not everyone wants to be a skanky prof btw.
so you have second class, third class or whatever they like to categorise the students.
basically the note implies that you're as good as a sad lil puppy if you can't get good grades
because you won't be employed and therefore cannot enjoy a fruitful lifestyle..
oh hell no, i have friends without honours who is proud and happy at their job as
teachers, sales exec, human resource etc etc..and they are pretty vibrant as i can see!
gaarrhh don't insult my friends hor! btw, the facebook account she's using now
is created by a Harvard college drop out tee hee..way to go.
but she did meantioned about if you got talent then grades doesn't matter..bla bla
wah..i also got talent at painting and clay work ahem ahem..means my grades doesn't matter?
haha funny.
aiya, why so serious? don't ever let the freaking grades control your life, always
take control of your life and in that way, you will see the true meaning of living a life.
ok i wanna share a nice vid to reduce the "fire"..muahaha damn funny 15 million views in you tube! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TtJRNyPK-lc&feature=related
if you know michael jackson thriller vid, then you'll know this!
Saturday, March 7, 2009
it is one of the stylish-ist blog i've ever encountered, with a combination
of SLR photography and high street fashion!
both which are something i lurrrvveee and i appreciate the art that come out of it!
well, if you don't know about me..i'm a science geek student. hardcore molecular sci.
but to have a balanced life so i don't end up looking like albert einstein, i also take time to
mingle with art and photography..although i have stopped painting and pencil sketching
ever since i've came to NUS..but i have never stop the passion for it! my prized works
are all stored in a container back at home..tee hee
since i've been eying the art shop at the highest level in takashimaya..garrhh
it's just to ex for the material to be sold there...someday this year i'm goin to learn something a new on oil painting on canvas or "ink blots" in colour! yummy~
we'll see..
i came upon the site i mentioned when i'm surfing some linked sites from vogue
absolutely great photographs and high technique shots on people walking
on the streets of paris, milan, new york. and oh boy
they really do dress well, and each individual has their own style and "story"
truly living in the coco chanel quote "Fashion fades, only style remains the same"..
love the coats and jackets and scarf..and how gorgeous the ladies of milan =)
you don't see such gorgeous-ness in singapore..haha
..LOL perhaps i should prepare myself for a delicious this: *whistle pee witt!*

Friday, March 6, 2009
wah kao. my shoulders never felt heavier.
i have written and going to write a whole list of deadlines.
and canceling few of the tasks..would mean a reward for me!
well..i always looked for a balance in life..all work and no play is a no-no for me..
so in all, i'm determine, bertekun and berusaha
to finish watever i set, so i can go down to jb to meet mummy this sat before she flies..
and watchman!
talking about mothers..last week i went home to visit my grandma
who has been "sick"telling us that she does not have the energy to walk.
the docs say she's fine. except for low lvl of osteoporosis.
today in class i finally understood her disease
when prof tan said about psychosomatic disorder.
it's all mental. really. i can see it. sigh.....
and such disorder are even more difficult to treat. and to face.
i just hope she's going to be fine, provided that the sons give her the attention that she yearns.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
i have always love the rain. feels like they washed away all the troubles, and the haze of cuz..
love the fresh breeze after the rain =). and nothing beats from sitting at my fav corner
in science library, observing the great dark sky, the muggers, the so familiar smell, the books
the silence..
such simplicity do make wonders for me..yes, i wish i could rot here and never return to lab!
here's something i would like to dedicate to my best friend.
ps: even we couldn't get the jason mraz tics (sobz sobz!)..but still, u enjoy the song ya!
jia you in your lab!
" Do you hear me,
I'm talking to you
Across the water across the deep blue ocean
Under the open sky oh my, baby I'm trying
Boy I hear you in my dreams
I feel your whisper across the sea
I keep you with me in my heart
You make it easier when life gets hard
I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again...ohh
They don't know how long it takes
Waiting for a love like this
Every time we say goodbye
I wish we had one more kiss
I'll wait for you I promise you, I will"
20 months. and more to come. love.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
OK I don't do tags. Ever. But this seems interesting when a friend of mine wrote something about it...
If you enjoyed your high school years, you'll do it. If you have nothing else to do, you'll do it.
If you're here to read the questions/answers and pretend to hate to do it, deep down you'll still do it. This tag is so fun because the answers can go on and on. Read if you miss your high school years
Bio Data
1) Which school did you go to?
Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Laksamana!!
2) What classes were you in?
Form 1 anggerik, 2 anggerik, 3 anggerik, 4 UM, 5 UM, Lower 6USM, Upper 6USM..all the way man..
3) What was/were your favourite lesson(s)?
Biology. Love it. Love it. Love it. I hate the bloody moral classes.
4) If you could remember, what time was your recess?
I'm not sure if it's correct but I think it's something like 10.30am till 10.50am??? haha but i always had "extended" recess time cuz I'm a prefect muahahaahaha...
5) List down your favourite food/snacks.
mee goreng tambah ayam, keropok basah, taufu sumbat tauge..=)
1) Did you have a nickname way back in high school?
Ribena, balak leg, carrot legs, Lei-gina
2) How did you wear your socks?
Medium length, 100% cotton haha
3) Have you been suspended due to the way you put on your uniform?
Yes, my freaking blue prefect skirt was considered short, and too sexy back then..so I was told to extend it, but I didn't! I dun care...haha
4) Were you given plenty of reminders about your appearance?
No. I looked great back then!!! hahah
5) Who did you look up to when you were in high school?
No one in particular. Hmm..maybe one of my senior Chia Ming, the ultimate head boy..=)
1) Name one memorable scene where you were punished in front of the whole class.
Ermm actually the whole class upper 6 USM got punished in front of the whole assembly cuz the class skip some teacher's day stuff..hey at least we stick to each other! that's wat friendship are for..=) the gals got rotan, the guys got pinched..and rotan.
2) How many times did you skip class? What were you doing?
Uncountable..study/sleep/watch tv at home/hang out in pusat sumber II haahhaha
3) Give one scene where you escaped from being caught/punished.
Ermm couldn't remember of any, but I did escape from an ah lian bitch back in form 2, who tried to "exterminate" me cuz I report her to the guru discipline. haha, that bitch! i still rmb her fugly face! grrrrrr..
4) Did you vandalize any school property?
Nope. the school property has already been pre-vandalize before i came..
5) Did you ever make any teacher cry?
1) Who was your favourite teacher?
My form 3 class teacher, Pn Azalina! Well, I think her name is Azalina..haha omg i forgot.she has a really nice and kind face..
2) Describe your DM.
We don't have a DM kinda thing in Malaysia..haha..
3) Who was the funniest/weirdest/loudest teacher?
The fat guy who taught us Penagajian Am in form 6, what was his name???? i couldn't recall..haha but anyway he's a bloody racist. and cikgu mao-tou ying who taught english..we will all automatically doze off when she comes in..
Social Circle
1) Were you popular back then?
wow..i think so!
2) Were you in a big group of boys/girls or small ones?
Both. Medium group of boys and girls.
3) Who were your best friends?
My jie meis! Mee pok, ah see, yunting, priya, luipeng, bohying..My larger grp of macho friends..Jimmy of cuz, yoonseng, ck, jiangjiang, pui, wenjian, fook, etc etc so many of em.!
4) Did you and your friends have nicknames?
Yea of cuz..
5) What were your favourite memories of you and your friends?
Many so many..it's impossible to write em down. I would prob remember the places like the school field where we would have our annual hari sukan, representing kota tinggi in some girl guides competition, hosting for international exchange students from india and japan under interact club, the parties/gathering, the outdoor adventure while doing bio project, the school trip to genting, tioman..=)
1) What type of CCA were you in?
Pandu puteri ranjer!, Interact club, english society, tennis, public speaking, PREFECT.
2) What did you have to bring to your CCA?
the MDKT pandu puteri uniform.
3) What did your CCA required you to do?
kawad and more kawad kaki. ke kiri kiri! ke kanan pusing! wah loa......
organizing major events for interact club and english society.
4) Got injured?
Closing Ceremony
1) How did high school changed you?
Tremendously, the way i see life.
2) Sing one verse of your school song.
Sekolah menengah laksamana mendidik kami sentiasa...!
3) What was your favourite question?
huh?? ermm ...
4) Who/what will you remember from your high school?
Some teachers..and ALL of my mates!
5) Any memories you will not forget.
the classes, the labs, the wind, the desk, the dozing off in class, the friends, the laughter...
Sunday, February 22, 2009
anyways, a busy month as usual but it's the lurvee month
with st valentine cum li ren's birthday =)
fun and so much love. thanks baby.
i brought him to a surprise french out in swissotel stamford.
we love the food..en vous bon apetite! totally fell in love! and the scenery
awesome on the 70th floor and you can practically see the whole sg. city
they had this cool sky bar on the same floor as well..
haha i'm going back to chill out when i got my paycheck!
yummy, i can't stop listening to lady gaga.
while doing my work of cuz..it makes me wanna go down to club
and just dance! haha..ah i need to find some crazy ppl to go with
li ren definitely can't cuz he'll be like a stone on the dance floor..haha
this may be a lil late, but i took some great pics!

Sunday, February 8, 2009
and basically so much had happened, that it would take a
whole page to describe all the events. with the cny celeb and all..wow.
right now, i'm sitting in front of my lappy, having about 10 minutes to kill.
at 8 am on a sunday, BRIGHT nice WARM sunday morning.
i should be either sleeping or yum cha at clementi.
but no, i'm going into lab later. =( THAT is not positively motivating at all.
i'm starting to DOUBT. (not the movie Doubt) Doubt as in is this the right thing at all.
overwork, underpaid that's what a research brings you. the only satisfaction
you can see out of it is at the end of the tunnel. results.
but the learning the knowledge the skills (lab/non-lab) is worthwhile.
but to be a realistic individual, it's a balance between both.
right now, i'm happy with the ooze of skills and info.
but in the future? lionel is right, if i were to do this for the rest of my life
would i be happy? would i find meaning out of it?
well, there's only one conclusion. i would if i were able to capitalize my
uni education and trainings in the INDUSTRY in some biotech pharma companies
which are listed on the stock exchange board so employees will have dividends and bonus
every year end. that would be an incing and cherry above the cake. it is just like engineers
working with exxon mobil, shell or accounts working for pwc or kpmg.
but as life it seems, it's never going to be perfect.
it's time to start work...
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
well, even if i have spare time..i will watch my ju guang poi hei.
yes, this blog will be officially quiet for the next 4 months.
in which i will do whatever i can to bring out the best in me.
a lot of hard work and a whole lot of luck!
for my last semester here at nus.
i am thankful for my best friend, my companion and my love
Li ren for ALL of his time, ALL of his support
and motivation and belief in me, for being a lending ear,
a hug when my experiment fail, for bringing a smile in the face when i am down
and above all, for just being there for me.
here's to an amazing journey for both of us..cheers..
anyway bintan was fun! well, it was pleasant the hotel ppl are really friendly
and made our stay pretty convenient with transportation and island tour
hmm the food there so-so only ba, the or chian and seafood..well, i could find
something nicer in ecp or at telok sengat. the good thing is the food there is cheap.
ah if the hotel is by the beach, with little open bar and a bit of jazz music
and a nice cocktail sea breeze, then it would be perfect. =)
so bali anyone?
oh i'm soo tired..i should go get some sleep now.